A1 Custom Mousepad Imaging Inc.
Toll Free (USA): 1-800-803-3698 or 561-630-7170
Fax: 603-761-4852
Call M-F 9am-6pm EST
Since 1995, custom printed mouse
pads, coasters & countermats - ad specialty products
at wholesale prices !
The current "state of the art" method for printing a design on a CLOTH TOP (fabric) mouse pad, coaster, and counter mat utilizes specially formulated inks that are derived from fabric dyes, and are heat activated.
Sublimation is a specialized process that prints your design using these heat activated inks onto an advanced transfer paper. The transfer paper is then registered to a cloth top (fabric surfaced) product. When heat and precise pressure are applied, the heat activated inks turn into a gas dye, which then sublimates into the fabric, ie., bonding with the molecules of the fiber. Once the image is transferred, it is permanent and washable. It will not peel, chip, or crack, as other methods...such as screen printing the surface with regular inks (paint), or laser transfer paper which uses wax or glue to transfer your design printed with laser toner, to the item.
There are, however, drawbacks to the sublimation process. For example, when the heat activated sublimation ink explodes into gas during the transfer process, it produces a 100% to 400% dot gain. This dot gain impacts all reversed or knocked out art. When some elements, such as text, are too small, the dot gain has a tendency to fill in the reversed area or eliminate it altogether. For this reason, we recommend all reversed type be set to bold. Serif fonts such as Times should be set at 18 point or greater and sans-serif fonts like Helvetica should be set at 13 point or greater. All reversed lines should be 2 points or greater.
All photographic images and images including half-tones or screen tints will require some adjustment in order to work well with the sublimation printing process. Please be aware that changes to photographic files can be quite dramatic. Image resolution should be 300 dpi. During the sublimation printing process, a color target is used as a reference only to give our press operators an idea of what the finished pad should look like. However, the sublimation process is designed to produce a pleasing representation, not an exact match of the original. Some color variation from a color target is normal and expected. Any time color is critical, we recommend you send us a color print of your design showing the color and content you want on your imaged merchandise, and we will use it as a guide when creating the sublimation prints needed for your order.
Sublimation inks are available for both process (cmyk) and spot (pms) color printing. Unlike other ink systems, sublimation dyes are not easily mixed to create specific colors, and precise matching of a PMS color(s) within the limits of sublimation is not always possible. Metallic and fluorescent colors are not available for sublimation pads. When close color matching is critical, order a printed production sample so you can see how the bulk order will look when produced.
Format |
Mac |
PC |
Adobe PDF |
yes |
Photoshop PSD |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Powerpoint |
NO |
NO |
Word |
NO |
NO |
Microsoft Publisher |
NO |
NO |
Comments: Create CMYK rastor art (ex: photoshop) using a layered PSD file format, keeping text on one layer, and using other layers for various images your design incorporates. Please save on your hard drive. This will help enable you to quickly make any needed modification(s) we request. Please provide A1 with a high resolution TIFF file, with ALL fonts converted to outlines.
Format |
Mac |
PC |
Photoshop PSD |
Preferred |
Preferred |
Preferred |
Preferred |
TIFF (1 color printing) |
yes |
yes |
JPEG (1 color printing) |
yes |
yes |
Quark QXD |
yes |
yes |
Illustrator, Freehand, Corel |
Preferred |
Preferred |
Powerpoint |
NO |
NO |
Word |
NO |
NO |
Microsoft Publisher |
NO |
NO |
Comments: We prefer VECTOR based artwork such as is prepared using Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand when creating a spot color design. Please convert all fonts to outlines (curves), and send us the native file along with an EPS. If using Photoshop, please create your file with one layer per pms color. A tiff or Jpeg is only acceptable when using ONE imprint color...make sure you create the design at 300 dpi !!
Click to download PDF template |
RESOLUTION: We recommend creating your rastor art at 300 dpi (dots per inch) at actual print size. |
FONTS: we recommend all reversed type be set to bold. Serif fonts such as Times should be set at 18 point or greater and sans-serif fonts like Helvetica should be set at 13 point or greater. All reversed lines should be 2 points or greater. We also recommend that all text be converted to curves/outlines by the originating program. This avoids the many problems associated with various font styles, formats and originators. While this will render text uneditable, it can be sized and manipulated like any other graphic element. If the text must remain editable or if the text cannot be converted to outlines, the screen and printer fonts must both be submitted with the job. |
COLOR MODE: The format of colors that are included in any image must match the intended output format. For example: PMS colors included in a CMYK print should be defined in CMYK terms (unless they are to print as a separate, additional color). Spot or PMS colors should not be defined in CMYK terms if the color will be printed on a plate as submitted. Colors should be defined only as spot or CMYK. Colors defined as RGB (screen colors) must be redefined as spot or CMYK. Spot colors will be matched to the Pantone® UNCOATED color guide for sublimation printing, and the COATED color guide for all other products. Converting spot or RGB colors to CMYK will usually change the appearance of the color, sometimes dramatically. Please be aware of this potential "color shift" when submitting RGB images or spot colors that are to be converted to CMYK process inks. |
BORDERS, REGISTRATION, AND BLEED: When art includes a border or other art element that runs parallel to the mousepad's edges, the naked eye can distinguish slight variations in print positioning (registration). For this reason, we do not recommend the use of a border because the nature of manufacturing limits registration capabilities AT BEST to ±1/16". A 1/4" bleed on all sides of the finished, composed art is required for art that extends to the finished edge of the pad. Keep all critical elements at least 1/4" in from all corners and edges. |
BLACK & GRAY: we use a premixed "process" black sublimation ink to produce both black and gray colors. 100 % "K" is the value to use for our darkest, richest black. Use percentages of "K" to produce the shade of gray color(s) you want in your design. Failure to setup your black color(s) in this way will result in less then optimum output, and you will most likely not be satisfied with the results. Ask for our FREE black color chart printed on a mousepad that shows percentages of black from 5% to 100% so you can create your graphic with the confidence of knowing how blacks and grays will look when printed. You will need to order a color chart(s) of any PMS color(s) you wish to use in your design if you intend to use percentage(s) of that pms color(s) and want to be sure of the result. Please contact us for a price quote. |
PMS COLORS: We stock reflex blue, red 186, process blue, process black, and process yellow. There is no extra cost to use these colors in your spot color design. We special order ink for all other pms colors in your design, at a cost of $80 per color. |
TRAPPING: Please make us aware of any trapping you have done to your file, and any particular trapping concerns you may have at the time you submit your graphic ! |
QUARK: Quark is our preferred layout software. In Quark, the picture boxes housing imported TIFF files must have a background color even if it is set to white or 0% black. Selecting "NONE" as a fill color may cause the images to have jagged edges. If background colors are not possible, we recommend an EPS format with a clean clipping path. In either case, all placed images should be sized at 100%, not enlarged or reduced and original TIFF and/or EPS files must be provided with the document. |
PHOTOSHOP: We use Photoshop to edit and correct all photographic images and complex illustrations. As with all submitted work, images should be sized and cropped to final size. Although Photoshop will allow you to convert selections into a clipping path, we prefer that you avoid this process because it usually results in a large number of control points. When a clipping path is needed, create it by using pen tools and establish the fewest number of control points possible. When saving a file with a clipping path, please set flatness to at least 3 pixels. Please be aware that changes to photographic files can be quite dramatic. Image resolution should be 300 dpi - remember that effective image resolution is decreased when an image is enlarged in a layout program. |
ILLUSTRATOR, FREEHAND, COREL: Make sure colors are defined as either spot or CMYK depending on the intended final print. Convert all text to curves/outlines whenever possible to avoid font problems. Do not embed fonts in Corel Draw. Avoid placing images in these programs if possible. "Nested" EPS and TIFF images may cause unusually large file sizes and may cause output problems and delays. If images must be placed in the illustration, make sure they are properly sized and cropped in the originating program prior to importation and include the original placed images with the job. Set output resolution to 2540 dpi. |
SCANNING: DRUM SCANNING is recommended to achieve optimum results. Make sure the file is then checked for color shift and color corrected by a professional. Get a color print of the scanned, final digital file, and confirm your satisfaction with it before submitting to A1 for printing. Contact us for a quote if you are unable to locate a professional in your area that can perform the necessary services. |
PRINTED MOUSE PAD SAMPLE: ***A1 recommends that at the time you place your order and provide your graphic file, you ALSO supply a color print of your design that you approve for content and color values. This often helps us to match as closely as we can to the color values you desire for your printed product. Jobs cannot be rejected for color unless a printed production sample has been ordered. Even then, the final job must vary dramatically from the proof for A1 to consider any rejection. |
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE: Always remember that submitted layouts are printed "as is." While we often check your file for compliance to our requirements, we will not be responsible for our failure to correct any portions of your design which are not compliant. When you submit your digital art, you are responsible for its content and construction. Be certain the work is color corrected, the images are adjusted to your satisfaction, all text is correctly spelled, and that your art is prepared according to our instructions. All photographic images and images including half-tones or screen tints will require us to make some adjustment in order to work well with the sublimation printing process. We strongly recommend supplying us with a color print of your design along with the art file so we can use it as a reference when producing the prints needed to image your merchandise. |
HOW TO DELIVER YOUR ART FILE(S) TO A1: Over 90% of our clients choose to upload their design to our subsite on www.ibackup.com. Email us for instructions. Otherwise, send your art saved to CD-ROM or DVD. Make sure you test your CD to be certain the art will open correctly. |
COPYRIGHTS: Customers warrant that all images supplied for reproduction, whether digital, conventional or otherwise, are unencumbered by copyright and other usage rights connected to the image(s) and agree to hold harmless and indemnify A1 Custom Mousepad Imaging Inc.® for all claims and expenses for any actions in law that may result from the use of these images. |
SEPARATIONS, FILM, FILES, PLATES & DIES: All separations, digital files, plates, and dies created by A1 Custom Mousepad Imaging Inc.® remain our property. Our policy is to keep these materials on file for 24 months, except for sublimation film separations which we discard after use. Setups are customary for reorders, but may be discounted depending on product reordered. After 24 months, reorders are treated as new jobs and require new art and set-ups. Original art is always returned upon request. |
PROFESSIONAL ART SERVICES: While we can assist you with type setting, and other basic graphic design services, we are not setup to supply professional creative design services. We are pleased, however, to refer you to various professionals we know who can assist you for a fee. |
©2012 A1 Custom Mousepad Imaging, Inc.
4521 PGA Blvd - PMB 384
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418 USA
Business Hours: 9am-6pm EST, M-F
Toll Free 800-803-3698 or 561-630-7170
Fax: 603-761-4852
